Saturday, December 19, 2009

ALot of CaTching Up to Do!

So, it has been a while since I've done a blog post and a lot has been going on. I will start with the most exciting news yet.... and that would be that we are going to have a BABY!! I AM PREGO..... WAHOO!!!! I'm 18 weeks. We find out on March 5th what we are having so, stay tune! (Many know we are going to have a baby but I'm sure their are a few out there who we haven't told.)

We were able to find out and tell our families around Christmas family parties. We stressed over ways to tell Dale's and my Family but I think we finally came up with a way to tell and this is how we did it.
The Burnett's Do a Christmas Party the Friday before and each family is asked to do a talent So, for our talent this year we decided that we would be poets.... The poem we did went a little like this: (I thought we had a picture of us doing it but I guess not!)

T'was the week before Christmas the Burnett family gathered near to spend time with one another and make memories that are so dear. To celebrate, to laugh and to share talents that we all like to hear.
We all have a gift to give. Let's remember it throughout the year. Our gift this year is one of holiday cheer.
We've waited a long while. We are excited to share our lovely news, It looks like we will be adding one more person to the Burnett Crew.
With My Family on Christmas morning everyone thought we were done opening gifts but we had one more.... we had put the ultrasound picture in a small box and gave it to my parents to open. EVeryOnes faces were priceless!!!! My dad was teary eyed and my mom and Kate were jumping with excitement!!! (we got it all on video)
So, on with our Christmas and I'll work my way to the most recent so, I don't miss anything.

Christmas wouldn't be the same if we didn't stay with tradition of decorating ginger bread houses. Thanks MOM!

The Burnett's ginger bread houses.

For neighborhood Christmas gifts this year I made these fun snowmen goodies. I got the idea out a Family Fun magazine. They were really fun to make.

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