Wednesday, July 7, 2010

HappY 4Th of July weeKend!!

This 4th of July seemed to be a little more crazy.... maybe it's because it was a on a Sunday and you just didn't get to Celebrate once it was all weekend long. I really had a good time nothing like BBQ, fireworks and getting to spend quality time with family and friends... Our weekend went a little something like this...

Logan fireworks were on Friday this year. We met up with my family, Dales parents and Dave and Michelle and kids. We did hogi sandwiches for dinner with some delicious fruit. Then watched the fireworks. I was really fun!!! I love the fireworks!!! (i'm so SaD i forgot my camera to take pictures of the event)

Saturday, Dale had to work. But we got up early and went to a scout breakfast and then he went to work and I hung out with the family. We had a BBQ and just hung out nothing to big but it sure was fun!!!

Monday, was the day we decided since we both were off work that we would work on the yard for a couple hours and then go do something fun... Little did we know that it would be the whole day of working in the yard. Here is just one of the few projects worked on..... (one of the biggest and most time consuming)

OUr lovely mail box.... Notice the one in the cinder blocks that is the one that is going to be retired we have used it for two years. We loved the weird looks that we would get and the jokes about Dale working for the postal service and how you would think we would have a better looking mailbox.... So, fun and games are over and we are giving in!!!! First we dug the hole making sure level.... NEXT

We needed to mix cement and pour down the hole..... NEXT

Cement in hole and making sure once again
level letting it cure for 24 hrs... ANd

..... you end up with a beautiful new mailbox that looks a little like this! So, much better than the geto one.. don't cha think? THanks family/ neighbors for the help!

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