Monday, December 6, 2010

WhaT a sAd DaY...

I have to first say that when your baby is sick.... iT is the saddest thing! Stella woke up this morning with the chicken pox! At first, I thought it was a spider bit as I got looking a little closer she had more than just one. We had hoped that she wasn't going to get them and almost thought she was out of that time period when she could but.... NOPE! Mr. Bryce had gotten them a couple weeks ago, and lil' Miss Stella got them! When I found out that Bryce had them I was a wreak.. I called the doctor's in a panic but then said that she would be ok because she was still in the incubated stage and it would be very unlikely but that there is always that small %.

A couple days before Thankgiving I took Stella in to get her 4 month shots.... man, this time it was very rough! She didn't really seem to get back to being her normal self, really bad eye contact and wasn't doing her regular things she would do... I became very upset and told Dale that I hoped I didn't cause our baby to become autistic ( I KNOW I was being EXTREME! I've seen some studies shown that it is a poss cause)... this went on for a couple weeks, late last night I told Dale that if things didn't change I would be taking Stella back into the doctor's....this morning, I woke up to chicken pox! I'm grateful that there was a cause for her weird behavior and it wasn't me becoming a wacko women! ( You may be thinking did she not get the shot for this... well they dont' get it until they are 12months)

This is her the morning she woke up.....

I thought maybe spider bites. Took a picture to send to mom...

Poor thing all she wants to do is cry and have Dale or I hold her, we feel so bad! Dale and I stopped counting after 100 pox but there is a ton more..She screams when you put her clothes on ( i don't blame her) we did have to put socks on her hands cause she has them on her fingers and i don't want them to spread. Thank goodness for Caladrill lotion , Grandma E's fuzzy blanket that she adopted...I guess if there is any postive that can come out of this... it good that it's before Christmas & before all the family get togethers.

This her her by the 3rd day...

oUr cute Chick'n pox diva... She is such a trooper!!

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