Friday, December 10, 2010

IT's that time of YEAR!

It's that time of year to start baking all the yummy goodies! The other day Rachael came out and we made homemade oreo with chunks of peppermint candy cane and mixed in with the frosting. They were sooo delicious!! Later that night Dale and I for FHE made christmas chocolate balls YUMMMY and watched the FOUR Christmas! I love this time of year!

Monday, December 6, 2010

WhaT a sAd DaY...

I have to first say that when your baby is sick.... iT is the saddest thing! Stella woke up this morning with the chicken pox! At first, I thought it was a spider bit as I got looking a little closer she had more than just one. We had hoped that she wasn't going to get them and almost thought she was out of that time period when she could but.... NOPE! Mr. Bryce had gotten them a couple weeks ago, and lil' Miss Stella got them! When I found out that Bryce had them I was a wreak.. I called the doctor's in a panic but then said that she would be ok because she was still in the incubated stage and it would be very unlikely but that there is always that small %.

A couple days before Thankgiving I took Stella in to get her 4 month shots.... man, this time it was very rough! She didn't really seem to get back to being her normal self, really bad eye contact and wasn't doing her regular things she would do... I became very upset and told Dale that I hoped I didn't cause our baby to become autistic ( I KNOW I was being EXTREME! I've seen some studies shown that it is a poss cause)... this went on for a couple weeks, late last night I told Dale that if things didn't change I would be taking Stella back into the doctor's....this morning, I woke up to chicken pox! I'm grateful that there was a cause for her weird behavior and it wasn't me becoming a wacko women! ( You may be thinking did she not get the shot for this... well they dont' get it until they are 12months)

This is her the morning she woke up.....

I thought maybe spider bites. Took a picture to send to mom...

Poor thing all she wants to do is cry and have Dale or I hold her, we feel so bad! Dale and I stopped counting after 100 pox but there is a ton more..She screams when you put her clothes on ( i don't blame her) we did have to put socks on her hands cause she has them on her fingers and i don't want them to spread. Thank goodness for Caladrill lotion , Grandma E's fuzzy blanket that she adopted...I guess if there is any postive that can come out of this... it good that it's before Christmas & before all the family get togethers.

This her her by the 3rd day...

oUr cute Chick'n pox diva... She is such a trooper!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Busy Little Girl

Stella needs to slow down I'm trying to take in all these cute little moments and it's going by to quick! Here is just a few........

We started her on mush once we got the go ahead from the Dr. I don't know what she thinks of it right now, but we are just trying to make it fun for her she is very entertaining when she eats it!
I've kinda cheated with solids i will let her suck on carrots and apples she LOVES them.

She has started to roll over. The first time Stella did it was for her Dad. I think it was one of those thing that got him very excited and made his day!

This is sooo stink'n cute!! I'll say to Stella "kisses" & She'll pucker her lips and do kisses..

Little Buddies

The other night for FHE we went to dinner with our friends Ryan, Tawni & Athen. Later on that night we went back to their house and started to watch the Christmas Vaction and frosted sugar cookies! Thanks guys for the invite we had a really good time and I'd have to say I think the little ones did too! What a great way to start off this Christmas Season

Thanksgiving Day

HAppY TuRkey day EverYone!!
This year was a very different Thanksgiving! It was just my parents, the boys & us (burnett's)..... We had planned to go to Malad and do Thanksgiving with the Ward side but, little Brycee got the chicken pox's. The girls' had plans with the other side of the families... (I felt very different not to have my sisters there, I have to say I really missed them)

Enjoying some DeliCious homade Pie!

My mom made a delicious TUrKEy dinner as always! We played some games Had a gReAt nap. Later on that night Alyse and Jake came over the boys played snow football and the girls scooped out the AD's for BLaCk friDay.

I'm so grateful for this time of year, I have sooo much to be grateful for and relize there is a TON that I am blessed with. I love this time of year and Thanksgiving is such a great kick off for the holiday season!

4 Months

This little sweetheart turn 4 months today, WOW time needs to slow down just a bit! She is still doing the baby talk, and giggling.... her little giggle and smile are so contagious. She is starting to think about rolling, she is sooo close! Here are some of her stats:
50% for her weight.... 13 pounds 4oz
95 % for her height... 26.5 inches
50 % for her head.
The Dr. said that we can start her on mush, I'm kinda nervous and excited at the same time but I think she is ready. When she sits down to eat dinner with us she just gives us a look like were is my food and sometimes I'll have her on my lap and she will think i'm going to feed her and she opens her mouth when I'm bringing my food to feed myself.

Hang'n Out

I though this was a precious picture. Sunday we went over to Burnett's. Stella loves these two very much, there is something about grandpa Burnett when she sees him she grins from ear to ear. Stella was a little fussy.... I think grandpa Burnett could tell I need a little break he took her over and started to sing to her and rock her, next thing we knew she was a sleep. Grandparents have the magic touch! Thanks.

Play dates with Grandma E..

I have been very grateful that my mom has helped out with watching Stella 2 days a week. Although, it is really rough to leave her I couldn't ask for a better person to be watching our baby. I leave the camera in the diaper bag and this is just some of the things that Stella does at grandma's..
Stella's new favorite thing is Mr. Baxter.... I didn't know how fond I was of her getting close to the dog (i'm not a huge dog person) but she loves him. She has gotten pretty good at wanting to touch him... after she does though she always washes her hands I'm still not quite sure of what I think of her playing with him but I think that they have become good buddies!

Stella LOVES music. She loves when grandma plays the piano and sings to her, sometimes Stella will even join in with her little coo talking. It so cute!
At lunch time Grandpa comes home. Stella get put up by the window and will get really excited with she sees him coming to the window. It has become a fun little game they play.

She get's to get all dolled up by Auntie Rach. She got her toes done the other day by her... (I just want to know how she got her to hold still while doing it.)

She loves balls... who knew that a ball could be so entertaining.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

happy birthday buzz

HAPpY BirThDay Bryce! I hope you had a great 11yrs young birthday! Thanks for being such a caring brother & uncle, We love you!

I don't think I have ever seen someone so excited to get a bee bee gun... This is the only thing that he wanted.

I thought this was sooo cool.... He kept telling Dale.. It even has a scope.

My little brothers have been wanting to go hunting with Dale and now that Bryce has this "gun" he thinks that he'll be able to go:-)

Monday, November 1, 2010

HAppY BiRthDay GrAndPa!

My grAndpa getting some delicious raspberry pie for his birthday.
My GrandPa loves raspberries

HappY 69 yrs yOunG GranDpa!!! This weekend we got to hang out with my Grandparents. I don't think I can say enough about these 2 amazing people. I love them to death, the more and more I am around them I learn that much more. Thanks for the fun laughs! Thanks for your example too. I love you guys.

Friday, October 29, 2010

halloWeen 2010

HaPpY HallOwEen!!! It was a spOOktaCular dAy....

Here is our cute little bumble bee!
We got to meet up with the mailman for a little bit...we just had to have our Dad see how stink'n cute our little bumble was. I think Stella was a bit confused for Halloween.
Some of the neighborhood ladies & kids got together and did a little trick-or-treating at the mall. It was a crazy busy! We didn't get any candy but I thought it would be fun for Stella to experience her first Halloween, what made it even better is that it was inside and we didn't have to worry about getting cold or rained on.
I just had to get a picture of this Jen and her kids. They went with the Alice & Wonderland theme this year and did a fabulous job with it!

This is just part of the kiddo's that went trick or treating.. I'm hoping someone got a better group shot.

Later on that evening Jackie and Keith came over. We did a little dinner with soup and soups bowls. Jackie made the best carmel apples ever, they were soooo delicious. We played ticket to ride.. It was a very fun night! thanks guys.

Family Pictures

We recently just had some family pictures done! I love them soooo much, we had a fabulous photographer, Stella was GREAT (for the most part) and the weather was excellent for us.... what more could you ask for?!?!??! I'm so grateful for a beautiful family and the cute little moments that we get to share with each other. I love my husband dearly he truly is my BESteSt friend and for our cute little Stella, it hard to think of what life once was without her here. Life just wouldn't be the same with out these two! I LOVE YOU boTh very MuCH. Here is some of our favorites.....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Flag Football

This year Dale signed up for flag football. He is on a team with Jake and Chet. It has been really fun to go and watch these three play. It also had been good cause I get to catch up with the little sisters. I love going and watching Dale play any sport he gets so excited and its fun to watch the little kid come out in him.
Getting ready for defensive play.
Team Huddle. They are 2-2...every game they get better
and better. Keep it Up!
The Cute Cheering Squad

GO DAD!! We are your #1 fan!

3 MonthS

This picture is so stink'n cute, she is wearing a little sweater
that I wore when i was a little wee one like her.
OUr little Stella is 3months! She has started showing her little personality more and more everyday. She is so stinkn cute I could just eat her up!!! She still smiles a ton and loves to do the babble coo talk that babies like to do.... most recently she has found her hands, she loves to suck on them all the time she has become a very slobbery baby, she loves to make noises with her lips and has started to giggle. I LOVE her little laugh. It is fun to watch her little legs go a hundred miles an hour, she loves to stand on her feet. She started not liking her bouncer she arches her back everytime you go to put her in it so, we have started to use the Bumbo she loves to be up where she can see everything, she is a very observant baby. She is growing up to quick...
I'm love'n mom life, it gets harder and harder when I have to leave her with Grandma Ellis when I go to work, she is in that fun stage ( but i know she is in good hands).

U.E.A fun

I've been playing this little game with my brothers this year.....They make a list of all the activities that want to do before winter comes and we try to do one of them once a month.....well the months went on and the list was never gotten to because of football until one day Bryce said he had 1 thing on his list and that was he wanted to do and that was to have a sleep over with Stella and us. I thought since U.E.A was coming we could make it happen. I picked the boys up. We did a little grocery shopping got stuff to make a yummy dinner and treats for later on that night with our movie we rented. Of course We couldn't have a sleep over without playing the Wii. We had a really good time. Thanks boys for being good examples to the Burnett crew. We lOvE yOu!
This is just some pictures of the boys playing the Wii: I think we found a new favorite thanks to the boys... Sword fighting, I don't think i've ever laughed so hard and had my arm not be able to move:-)

HalloWeen Party 2010

Every year since we have lived in our house, the neighborhood girls (Jen and Sara) put on a GREAT Halloween party! I love to see their creativity and what they are going to have up their sleeve for the following year....Thanks guys!
This year, Dale and I decided that we would go threw Mother Teresa's Halloween closet and see what she had that we could use...... This is what we came up with.... Chocolate Cookie and Milk
We ALWAYS PlAy the funnest games. Of course we Always play the dice game, some game with pudding.... this year we had to find 5 letters and spell out a halloween word, House of FIRE, and a acting out game!

CoRn MaZe

We got invited to go to the American West Heritage Center and do the corn maze with Tawni and Athen. It was a new experience not having to worry about something jumping out at you or having someone run after you with a chain saw..... I had never done one in the light! I forget how much fun I have at the beginning and then by the end I was hot and Sweaty and I just wanted out! Thanks for the good laughs Tawni, I had a lot of fun!

The two little munchkins... they did so good!!
I have really grown to love being a mom and LOVE
doing activities with Stella it has been awesome!!