Friday, February 4, 2011

Deja vu.....

Church ball......Didn't we go through something like this last year, around this time with church ball??...It was getting close to the end of the game when I noticed that the game had stopped I didn't think anything of it... kept entertaining Stella and then I look back up to see Dale and the Sport person coming toward me...Dale having his hands up toward his face and notice blood all over!! I think oh no big deal just a bloody nose, I go to check on him. At first, I just see a whole lot of blood and think I hope he didn't break his nose as I get closer to check things out I see that it's right above his eye lid. We take him into the bathroom & wash him up and try to get the bleeding to stop..Dale isn't feeling the best at this point and starts to get very qweezy around his own blood. We finally get him to where his was not feeling yucky and I look at it one more time & told Dale we would be visiting the doctor. The guys are like he will be fine just do super glue..(typical guy!) Maybe if it would have been anywhere else but his was around his eye.We have insurance and we mine as well use it was my thought.

We had an awesome Doctor stitching Dale up & great nurses... I don't know if it was because it was getting late but we all couldn't stop laughing I think we all had the sleepy silly's. Overall experience at Instacare was great!

5 stitches... a very big headache & a little black and blue...I'll take these battle wounds over last years any day! Dale says that he is highly thinking twice about church ball and doesn't know if he should play anymore...he thinks he is may retire...We will see if that really happens!


  1. oh my, I am so sorry! At least he has a story to tell right?!

  2. I hope the headache is getting better. I like the new looks of the blog. Very clean and sleek. Nice Work!
