Friday, October 9, 2009

What is that smell?!?!?!?

As it started to get more hot outside, I started smelling something. At first, Dale was like you must have a strong nose. I don't smell anything. A couple days went by, and the smell was getting more intense. Dale was finally starting to smell it. It was a Saturday and I thought, I know that there is something in here. I pulled everything out of the garage, there is a little nook were we put the firewood. As I got closer the smell was coming from there...... What was I going to do? I'm the only one home and I called Dale in a panic. He told me, "I cannot come home. I'm at work... so I don't know what you want me to do." After I got off the phone with him I got some more courage to go and see if I could pull out another log. I did and there is was!!! This bushy creature in my garage not moving!!!! I don't think I've ever hopped in my car so fast and drove into Logan. I got to my parents and my dad was like I can't help you, I've got things to do. So I talked my little sister into coming with me. We drove back to Welsville. I called animal control and they said that i needed to call Welsville animal control. I did and the guy was like "Oh... I know exactly what it is. It's a rock chuck...." I'm thinking, that is great but get over here and get it out. I told the man I didn't think that's what it was, it looked too furry, but he was sure it was. By this point I was thinking, "Whatever, just get it out of my garage!!!!!!" He finally came and I was dry heaving and shaking because the smell is awful. My sister, Alyse, was trying to help me gain composure. He goes in and asks for a black plastic bag. He says "Looks like I was wrong.... It is a cat." WHAT?!?!?!? How the heck. He was like you might want to hose out the garage. There are maggots and other yummy bugs. I was like crap, am I going to have to call an exterminator. I asked the man if he would do it for me, I didn't think I would be able to stomach it and he did. What a good man! Least to say I bleached the garage floor and then bought wall floors to get the smell out. I will NEVER have a furry pet. Every time I see a cat I just cringe!!!

I was able to get my sister to get close enough to it to get a snap shot of it.


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